Circle Internet Financial is adjusting the reserves underlying the $30 billion USD Coin (USDC) as it prepares for the possibility of a U.S. government debt default. As of May 16, the $8.7 billion in overnight repurchase agreements (repo) were added to the portfolio of the Circle Reserve Fund, which is run by the renowned investment management company BlackRock. Banking behemoths BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, and the Royal Bank of Canada are all parties to overnight repo transactions. The circle is taking these actions while American lawmakers are negotiating with President Joe Biden’s administration to increase the government’s capacity to issue additional debt. In order to be ready, Circle’s fund moved its holdings into cash or government repo transactions rather than Treasurys that matured after this month. SubDAOs are teams of dYdX DAO contributors that focus on the protocol’s essential functions and are ultimately answerable to the dYdX community.